Systems Analysis and Software Engineering

Software Development Models (Model Waterfall, Spiral, Rational unified Process etc.). Software Requirements (User and System). Functional and Non Functional Requirements. Discovery receivables (Interviews, Scripts, Optical, Usefull Cases). Software and Systems Design. Behavioral Models (Data Flow Models, Models Statements Machine). Object Models, Structured Methods. Critical for safe operation systems. Architecture Design. Software Implementation. Structured architecture. Automated code generation. Maintenance applications. Tools CASE. Project Planning (Planning and Scheduling Project). Bar charts and Activities Networks. Integrated software engineering methodologies. The language UML. RUP and corresponding tools. Critical Systems - Critical Systems Specification (Solvency and Reliability).


Objectives of the Course: Understanding methodologies and tools needed for software development and maintenance. Acquiring practical knowledge to record requirements and software and system specifications. Acquiring practical knowledge to design systems and software and automated code generation. The familiarizing using the RUP methodology and UML language and the full use of its potential. Unified Modeling Language (UML).




The course includes lectures related to the following topics: - Software Development Models (Model Waterfall, Spiral, Rational unified Process etc.). - Software Requirements (User and System). Functional and Non Functional Requirements. Discovery receivables (Interviews, Scripts, Optical, Usefull Cases). - Design of Software and Systems. Behavioral Models (Data Flow Models, Models Statements Machine). Object Models, Structured Methods. Critical for safe operation systems. Architecture Design. - Software Implementation. Structured architecture. Automated code generation. Maintenance applications. - Tools CASE. Project Planning (Planning and Scheduling Project). Bar charts and Activities Networks. - Integrated software engineering methodologies. The language UML. RUP and corresponding tools. - Critical Systems - Critical Systems Specification (Solvency and Reliability). The laboratory course aims to use Oracle's JDeveloper environment for capturing requirements, designing and implementing an integrated application using RUP, UML language and the Java programming language.






Instructors: Mara Nikolaidou
Department: Informatics and Telematics
Institution: Harokopio University of Athens
Subject: Other Sub-Discipline
Rights: CC - Attribution-NonCommercial

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