Antiracist, Antisexist and Intercultural Education

The course introduces and explores the historical scope, the contemporary theories and the terms related to racism, culture and gender discrimination. Particular emphasis is given to the way government policies, as well as social concepts and attitudes influence the daily routine of school life.


• The course’s main objectives are: 1) Knowledge, understanding and evaluation of the different contents that are given to the concepts of racism and culture. 2) Examination of the relationship between racism and the other aspects of social inequality (class, nationality/ethnicity, gender). 3) Critical evaluation of the effects of the policies, as well as the choices of the schools and educators on the “different” students’ school success/failure.


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Introduction Getting acquainted. Preview. Requirements. The Immigration. Immigrants in Greece. Greeks in other countries. Minorities and their rights in the contemporary world. Racism 1. What is racism and how is it created? Racism, stereotypes and prejudices. Racism and social classifications. Racism, power, discrimination and exploitation. Definitions of racism and their meaning practically. 2. The history of racism as theory and as policy. The origin of racist theories. From racist theory to racist policy. Nazi Germany, apartheid in South Africa, discrimination in the USA. The situation in Europe today. 3. Racism and education. Overt and covert racism. Everyday racism. The neglect of the minorities’ and immigrants’ language and culture. The incrimination of the victims. Educational response policies against racism. Intercultural Education Cultural environment and education. Definitions of Intercultural education. Intercultural education in Greece. Intercultural education in Europe, USA. Sexism Overview of the “scientific” theories about the inferiority of women. Interpretations of the genders’ different status in society. Sexism as an ideology and as an act. Sexism in schools. Overt and covert sexism. Everyday sexism. Sexism in school books and teaching aids. Sexism in school practices.






Instructors: Dimitris Zachos
Department: Primary Education
Institution: Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Subject: Pedagogy
Rights: CC - Attribution-ShareAlike

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